
Headaches can be caused by a number of reasons ranging from neck or upper back tension, stress, dehydration or a previous head injury amongst many other reasons . Whether it was caused by sleeping awkwardly, or walking in to an open cupboard last week, a full and thorough diagnosis is important.

Osteopathy can help headaches by finding an accurate diagnosis and identify any causative factors. Once we have established these we will be able to decide on the most appropriate treatment for you. This can include treatment to the rest of the body to relieve tension, or cranial osteopathy to treat the head directly.

It is difficult to judge how many appointments you may need as sometimes the problem will be resolved after one appointment, and other times, say after a serious injury or for chronic migraines, patients decide to have regular ongoing treatment.

It is important that you see a professional who can give you a diagnosis and help you in the best way they can. You must not ignore symptoms as they can occasionally be signs of a more serious underlying problem. If an osteopath suspects a more serious problem, they will refer you to a more appropriate medical professional.

If you have experienced any loss of consciousness for no apparent reason or after a head injury it is important that you contact a medical professional immediately. This might mean that you have a concussion which will need to be fully assessed, no matter how mild. If you notice any fitting, vomiting, drowsiness or slurred speech after a head injury it is important that you call 999 or 111 straight away.