
Many people choose an osteopath as their primary rehabilitation practitioner after a serious injury or operation. Whilst most people are provided with excellent rehabilitative care, others choose to start their rehab earlier, or continue their rehab care after they have been discharged. Others simply prefer to be treated by an osteopath and choose us as an alternative to options their medical professionals provide.

Osteopathy can help your recovery by working with your current treatment plan and medical history. We will then identify any areas of the body that may also be affected such as areas under stress from altered posture, such as crutches, limping, casts or slings. Once we have established these we will be able to decide on the most appropriate treatment for you. This can include treatment to the rest of the body, and whilst we will happily treat around the recovering area, depending on the age of the problem, we may not treat it directly until we are assured that it is safe to do so. Cranial osteopathy can be very useful in these cases as we are able to treat the injured site without any big movements.

We will also provide a tailored exercise program so that you may continue your rehab between appointments. This will be chosen according to your fitness prior to the event, will take account of any intervention you may have had, and we will go through these with you to make sure you are comfortable and safe to continue alone.

It is difficult to judge how many appointments you may need as this will depend on the level of care you desire as well as the age and nature of your injury. After a serious injury some patients decide to complete full rehabilitation regime followed by continued regular ongoing treatment.

If an osteopath suspects there is a complication to your recovery, or a more serious problem, they will refer you to the most appropriate medical professional.

If you experience any serious swelling, constant pain or bleeding near the injury or operative site, it is important that you contact your medical team immediately.